Sofia the Beautiful
The little girl, who became a princess. Sofia loves animals. She brought some friends to familiarize children with them.
Дополнительно можно заказать: аквагрим на встречу гостей. Выступление дрессированных кошек. Гелиевые шарики по цветовой гаме праздника. Шоу мыльных пузырей. Фотосьёмка. Шоколадный фонтан
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What Royal Holiday is?
It is the interesting show program, colorful outfits, and a pinch of magic. You need to be a child to understand what he wants, we are doing everything possible to make children believe in magic and miracles. All actors turn into favorite characters to make your child believe in a fairy tale.
Good tidings
Exclusive outfits
Master Classes
We can hold a funny and useful children's holiday in a creative workshop, where all the participants will get a gift made with their own hands. Girls, boys and even their parents will find something interesting in classes of cooking and design. Master class - it thrills, splash of emotions, the opportunity to learn and discover your creative nature.
Are you 16 years old? Do you think that you are different from others? Do you want to pay for KFC or buy iphone? Tired of sitting at home?!?!?! We are the team of professional animators who will teach you to deal with the children, and even we'll pay you for it!!! Freelance !!! Do you want ?! Than call us!